20 years of industry experience
500+ projects
3000 square meters of liquid plastic
10 experts

Roof terrace waterproofing system

Liquid plastic waterproof system for roof terrace

Roof terrace were used in the southern countries as early as the 2nd millennium, where it was the most common type of roof. A wooden boards were installed on the roof with gaps between them, through which water could drain. Was mainly used for drying the laundry. Nowadays it is used more as a place of leisure or rooftop café  to enjoy the views and the sun.

Roof terrace is not as popular or widespread in the Nordic countries as in the south. This is due to the specific nature of our climate and the additional costs required to obtain a weather-resistant and long-lasting roof. However, it can be said that such a roof is not uncommon in Estonia. When choosing a terrace, we can confidently help you with our experience and solutions what are developed and tested in Germany over long period of time.

Triflex BIS is a choice for those who want to make the roof surface usable on a daily basis and to be attractive to the eye. An ordinary flat roof is built in such a way that its main purpose is to keep rooms warm and dry and used time to time for maintenance work. SBS bitumen felt is not wear-resistant and not suitable roof terrace top membrane where you can walk on daily basis without additional covering. In order for the roof to be used as a terrace, a different construction must be built. The components must include a strong thermal insulation board with a load-bearing and load-distributing cement board or concrete, which is covered with a waterproof liquid plastic waterproofing and a decorative layer. Now we have a usable roof that is strong and rigid, does not suffers from the use of terrace furniture and is wear-resistant for everyday use. All components are glued together and the formation of thermal bridges is prevented.


Use cases:

  • Insulated roof terraces
  • New terraces. Suitable for the construction of a new insulated roof terrace. The insulation remains under the waterproofing and the cold water does not run through the insulation and does not cool the substructures as in the case of inverted roofs.
  • Old terraces. In order to renovate the existing roof terraces, it is recommended to remove the old structural parts. The construction of the liquid-covered and insulated terrace has a low profile and is suitable where doors and windows are made low

System components:

  1. Vapor barrier
  2. Insulation adhesive
  3. Thermal insulation, e.g. EPS, PIR
  4. Insulation adhesive
  5. Load distribution, Cement Board
  6. Waterproof and decorative coating according to Triflex BTS-P waterproofing system

Soojustusega katuseterrassi ehitamise lahendus. Triflex BIS

Triflex BIS system properties:

  • Installation of reinforced waterproofing on the entire surface with elastic and crack-bridging properties
  • Mechanically strong and wear-resistant. Resistant to high mechanical loads and point loads of table and chair legs on the floor without breaking the ground
  • Fast-curing. You can walk on the floor as early as 1 hour after the end of the work
  • Hydrolysis resistant. Suitable for zero slope surfaces, as it does not react with water and can withstand standing water
  • Minimal application temperature is 0°C
  • Seamless, which further eliminates the possibility of water penetration
  • Rain proof after 30 minutes
  • Weather proof (UV, IR, etc.)
  • European Technical Assessment according to ETAG 005 with CE mark
  • Fire classification in compliance with EN 13501-1: Class E
  • BTS-P S1 version is a flame-retardant waterproofing system: EN 13501-1: Class Cfl – s1

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