20 years of industry experience
500+ projects
3000 square meters of liquid plastic
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Flat roof liquid plastic roofing system

Liquid plastic roofing system

Lamekatuse ehitamine ja katmine vedelplastiga.Liquid plastic roofing system for flat roofs instead of PVC  roof or SBS bitumen felt. Liquid plastic roofing is an ideal material for waterproofing a flat roof, as it forms a uniform, homogeneous and waterproof layer without joints throughout the roof. There is seamless transaction between roof waterproofing and roof penetrations waterproofing, they merge together . There is only one way rainwater to go, to move to the roof gully.

Making a flat roof watertight is a rather difficult task, as these are flat surfaces that inadvertently form water puddles and joints leaks. In winter, the snow and slush will start to penetrate the various joints during melting, because in winter the drainage of water into the roof gully may be blocked by ice. To avoid such problems, we use Triflex ProTect liquid plastic roofing for flat roof waterproofing, which gives a significantly better result than SBS roofing or PVC roofing.

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Combined roof system. PVC or SBS roofing together with liquid plastic

Terrassi põranda SBS katusekate ja vedelplast ülespöörded.Typically, a flat roof is a multi-layer SBS felt or PVC. The advantage of these materials is the cost and PVC installation speed. However, such roof coverings have many joints that are and always will be weak points. In our opinion, one of the best price and quality roofing solutions is a combined system. The roof surface with a high-quality SBS felt or PVC and all penetrations, junctions and details are sealed using seamless liquid plastic materials. Liquid plastic adheres to different substrates 100% and the solution works for decades.

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Use cases:

  • On top of existing roofing. This can be, PVC, TPO, PIB, polyurethane (PU), polyurea (PUA), EPDM, SBS felt roofing, metal
  • Warm flat roofs. Rigid PIR, EPS or XPS thermal insulation with cement board on top
  • Cold flat roof
  • Inverted roof
  • Waterproofing under other coatings. Tiles, boarding, etc.
  • Waterproofing under a concrete screed
  • Waterproofing of buildings with stagnant water and fountains
  • Green Roof waterproofing

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Advantages of liquid plastic roofing

  • Fire safe during installation. No fire is used during installation. Sealing joints with bitumen is fire hazardous job, as a fire flame can ignite elements of a roof or wall structure hidden through openings and cracks during work
  • 100% adhesion to the substrate
  • No sealing sleeves or mounting brackets needed for waterproofing
  • Diversity of uses. Can be used on virtually all solid substrates, regardless of shape
  • Homogeneous and seamless waterproof layer
  • Tintable and the possibilities of different surface structures. See the selection of colours

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Safety on the roof

The safety of your step on the roof must be guaranteed as much as possible. We install roof bollards, to which it is possible to attach yourself with a safety rope during maintenance work. In addition to the mechanical fastening, we mark coloured maintenance paths with a rough surface structure on the waterproofing to prevent the foot from slipping, and mark the danger zones of the roof. For paths we use Triflex Cryl SC 237 liquid plastic.

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System components:

  1. Primer
  2. Waterproofing with reinforcement fleece
  3. Finish with different colour options

vedelplast triflex protect

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Topcoat colour options

The waterproofing colour is RAL7032. We apply an even and smooth paint coating as the top layer. The top finish coating is only necessary if you want to change the color of the waterproofing. The liquid plastic Triflex Cyl SC 237 used for marking and roughening of maintenance paths on the roof surface has 4 different colours.

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Roof liquid plastic systems are designed to be as maintenance-free as possible. However, in the interests of good housekeeping, it is advisable to inspect the roof at least twice a year, ideally in spring and autumn. Adequate maintenance of the roof will help prevent major damage and delay the repair or renovation. Visually inspect all details to identify any loose areas where water can enter. Make sure all gullies, drains, gutters and pipes are clean and not clogged.

  • Manually brush away any loose particles, general dust, dirt, etc.
  • With pressure washing up to 1500psi. The water temperature must not exceed 50 ° C
  • Only solvent, alcohol and caustic free detergents or degreasers approved by Triflex should be used

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The life expectancy waterproofing systems according to the ETA certificate is 25 years. In complete solutions, we give a 10-year guarantee for our work. By agreement, we regularly inspect and maintain the work performed, which extends the warranty period.

  • System life expectancy is 25 years
  • The warranty of the works for the construction of a new roof is 10 years

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Triflex ProTect system properties:

  • The liquid plastic material used is PMMA (polymethyl methacrylate)
  • Suitable for many substrates: plywood, ceramic tiles, asphalt, concrete, PVC, TPO, PIB, polyurethane (PU), polyurea (PUA), EPDM, SBS bitumen, glass, wood, sheet metal, stainless steel, various metals and many others
  • Mechanically strong and wear-resistant
  • Root resistance according to EN 13948 and Germany FLL test standards.
  • Resistant to chemicals present in air and rainwater
  • Minimal application temperature is 0°C
  • Fast-curing. You can walk on the roof as early as 1 hour after the end of the work
  • Seamless, which further eliminates the possibility of water penetration
  • Installation of reinforced waterproofing on the entire surface
  • Elastic and crack-bridging
  • Rain proof after 30 minutes
  • Weather proof (UV, IR, etc.)
  • Alkali resistant. Tolerates mineral materials
  • Hydrolysis resistant. Suitable for zero slope surfaces, as it does not react with water and can withstand standing water
  • European Technical Assessment according to ETAG 005
  • Resistant to sparks and radiant heat in compliance with EN 13501-5: BRoof(t1), BRoof(t2), BRoof(t3), BRoof(t4)

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