20 years of industry experience
500+ projects
3000 square meters of liquid plastic
10 experts


We do our work with real passion and dedication. Below you will find some of the completed projects

Haapsalu Castle, entrance roof repairsHaapsalu, Estonia

The roof of the entrance to the castle was leaking, and the museum was looking for someone who could make it watertight. We found a good solution, which included replacing the wet insulation and rotten wooden parts of the roof and installing liquid plastic waterproofing instead of SBS roofing.

Sealing the joints of the terrace of the Tatari street buildingTatari Street 25, Tallinn, Estonia

The terraces of the apartment building received a new PVC coating but all 200 metres of wall and window joints were waterproofed with PMMA liquid plastic. The advantage of liquid plastic is that it adheres to the entire substrate and can be installed in difficult areas.

Sealing the rolled steel roof of the Tatari street buildingTatari Street 7, Tallinn, Estonia

The roof pitch of the building is quite low and the joints will start to leak rainwater or more likely when the snow melts. We cleaned, sanded and primed the substrate beforehand, and waterproofed all such joints with Triflex SmartTec PU liquid sealant.

Terrace renovation on Seedermänni roadSeedermänni Street, Laiaküla, Viimsi vald, Estonia

The bitumen membrane on the terrace was leaking from all sorts of places, from the window joints, the trap and the metal fence fixings. After removing the old covering, we coated the entire terrace with Triflex liquid plastic and replaced the plastic trap with a stainless steel trap. The decking became water and wear resistant.

Käina Sports Centre swimming poolKäina, Hiiumaa, Estonia

The sports centre pool was originally tiled and later covered with PVC. Our job was to remove all the previous and leaking material and install a new chlorine and waterproof polyurethane cover. The preliminary work was extensive but necessary in order to get a guaranteed long lasting result.

Sealing the roof penetrations of Püssi substationLüganuse, Ida-Virumaa, Estonia

Attempts were made to repair the roof penetrations using the tools at hand. This approach did not yield good results. Our long-established solution consisted of using Triflex liquid plastic and installing counter-bents behind the penetrations. Such a system does not allow water to penetrate or stand behind the penetrations.

Covering the outdoor pool with polyureaSutu, Saaremaa, Estonia

The outdoor concrete pool was leaking in several places, lacked waterproofing and was in a worn state in appearance. We cleaned the old paint from the substrate and repaired the concrete with special mixes. A hot sprayed polyurea coating gave a new, waterproof result and a fresh look.

Repair of a rainwater gutter in a private house on Andrekse StreetAndrekse Street, Pirita, Estonia

The water leaks into the room caused a headache for the owner. The gutters, which were recessed into the roof, were PVC coated and improperly installed. We resolved the situation by prefabricating the gutters with stainless steel and sealed with PMMA liquid plastic. The result was a strong and waterproof gutter with no joints.

Roosna-Alliku kindergarten Hellik poolRoosna-Alliku

The kindergarten pool was looking worn and in need of an upgrade to modern waterproof materials. We removed the old pool tiles, sanded and repaired the substrate and covered the pool with polyurethane waterproofing.

Colorful terrace with Triflex liquid plastic systemPirita-Kose

This time, at the customer's request, a coloured terrace with Triflex liquid plastic system was used. However, the original problem was a traditional one - the mosaic terrazzo surface allowed rainwater to seep through into the building, damaging the interior finish.

St. Nicholas’ Church metal roof repair work (Client: SA Eesti Kunstimuuseum)Niguliste 3, Tallinn, Estonia

We added a new liquid plastic coating on the copper roof of the church bell tower and waterproofed joints with PMMA liquid plastic. The finished surface remained in a copper tone, similar to the original, which is important for heritage

Tallinn Botanical Garden /Tallinna Botaanikaaed/ (Client: Katusefirma OÜ)Kloostrimetsa tee 52, Tallinn, Estonia

Sealing the skylights with liquid plastic. The waterproofing were made on round skylights and the gutter with wall and roof connection joints were sealed. The result was a long-lasting and seamless solution that remains flexible

Terrace of the Vihula Manor (Client: Restor AS, 2020)Vihula Mõis, Vihula, Lääne-Virumaa, Estonia

The terrace of Vihula Manor was leaking, which had also damaged the facade. We removed the existing concrete slabs and made a new waterproof coating with Triflex Creative Design liquid plastic tiled surface system

Baltic Station Market /Balti Jaama Turg/ (Client: Mapri Ehitus AS, 2019)Kopli 1, Tallinn, Estonia

In this project, old material was removed from the gutter and applied new Triflex SmartTec liquid plastic waterproofing with reinforcement fleece.

Repair of balconies (Client: Apartment association of Kadaka tee 173, 2019)Kadaka tee 173, Tallinn, Estonia

The balconies of the 5-storey apartment building in Mustamäe needed renovation. On the balconies, the loose part of the concrete slabs had to be removed, the reinforcement and concrete had to be repaired and corrosion protection had to be done. The floors and outer edges of balconies were covered with polyurethane

Repair of metal roof with liquid plastic (Client: Apartment association of Pärnu mnt 102, 2019)Pärnu mnt 102, Tallinn, Estonia

On this building, we stopped water leaks of the tin roof

Terrace floor repair with liquid plastic (Client: The housing association of Merirahu 4, 2018-2019)Merirahu 4, Tallinn, Estonia

In this project, we removed the old bitumen felt material and terrace floor was given a new polyurethane waterproofing and tinted coating. The wall, window and floor joints were also sealed.

Liivalaia 40 apartment building’s stairs liquid plastic coating (Client: The housing association Liivalaia 40, 2018)Liivalaia 40, Tallinn, Estonia

Here, we removed the old layers from the stairs, repaired the concrete and applied new liquid plastic coating

Haven Kakumäe Marina building’s roof gullies sealing with liquid plastic (Client: Maru Ehitus AS, 2019)Lesta 16, Tallinn, Estonia

On the port building, we removed the old bitumen felt material from the gullies, which were later consolidated with PMMA liquid plastic waterproofing.

Roof joints of the Lasnamäe 4 apartment building (Client: Mapri Ehitus AS, 2019)Lasnamäe 4, Tallinn, Estonia

In this project, we removed the old bitumen felt material from around the support post penetration and applied liquid plastic waterproofing with reinforcement fleece.

Balconies’ repair works on the Pärnu mnt 131b apartment building (Client: The housing association of Pärnu mnt 131b, 2019-2020)Pärnu mnt 131b, Tallinn, Estonia

During the repair works, we sealed the floor and wall joint with liquid plastic waterproofing

Roosikrantsi balcony repair with liquid plastic (Client: The housing association of Roosikrantsi 17, 2018)Roosikrantsi 17, Tallinn, Estonia

Balconies had aged over the years and needed to be renewed. The main problems were leaks, as well as puddles. We covered the rainwater gutter, that was recessed in the balcony, and it’s floor with Triflex PMMA liquid plastic

Võlvi 8 apartment building’s balconies’ repair works (Client: The housing association of Võlvi 8, 2018)Võlvi 8, Tallinn, Estonia

From all of these 72 balconies, we removed railings, windows and repaired the concrete panels. The bottom side of the balcony’s panel and smooth walls, we painted with weather proof paint. The floor was waterproofed with polyurethane that is in accordance with fire safety regulations

Window and floor joint waterproofing with PMMA liquid plastic (Client: Embach Ehitus OÜ, 2018)Vabaõhumuuseumi tee 1, Estonia

Terrace wall joints of this Vabaõhumuuseumi tee 1 apartment building were leaking and no one had been able to fix this issue with bitumen felt materials. That is why specific PMMA liquid plastic materials were used to get the best result possible in this kind of situation.

NOA Restaurant’s flat roofing works (Client: 1Partner Ehitus OÜ, 2014)Ranna 3, Viimsi, Estonia

We installed bitumen vapor barrier, combination of stone wool and EPS thermal insulation as well as SBS roof felt and edge flashing

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